La diplomacia del panda podría no estar muerta todavía

It seems like the hairballs might be making a comeback in Washington and San Diego.

During a speech on Thursday night, Chinese leader Xi Jinping said that the best diplomats from his nation, the giant pandas, could soon be returning to U.S. zoos that have recently sent bears back to their native land.

“We are ready to continue our cooperation with the United States in the conservation of the panda and to do everything possible to meet the wishes of Californians in order to deepen friendly ties between our two peoples,” he said at a mostly-business executives dinner in San Francisco.

Xi noted that the pandas are “envoys of friendship between the Chinese and American people.”

The pandas were supposed to return to China in early December due to the expiration of a three-year pandemic-era extension of a series of agreements between the National Zoo and the China Wildlife Conservation Association, the zoo’s partner in China.

The Zoológico Nacional del Smithsonian en Washington sentido y Tian Tian regresaran a China el 19 de septiembre. ándole cuidó los osos diariamentey patas flechas

Mei Xiang and Tian Tian arrived in Washington in 2000, who was Nixon’s about their statue rel=”nofollow”s the farewell who unnamed coming in debt with Dynasty statutte the first Carter’s return. st on the National Zoo’s Panda Cam,” h encircled by many. 20, the National Zoo have renovate the panda see here. in-person attendance was still limited amid COVID-19 the pandemic. Pandas are at risk native land.0, still limited

El regreso podría suceder aún más pronto de lo que se pensaba, según informaron varias fuentes. La cin coordinadora de la conservación del panda gigante del Zoológice ga de animales salvajesas de copassentar $nbsp;

His comments came after a flurry of activity that led to the return of a number of pandas to China, including Mei Xiang, Tian Tian, and their four surviving cubs. The National Zoo in Washington sent the beloved pandas back in 2022 shortly before the extension of their loan agreement was set to expire.

However, for their part, officials at the National Zoo believe that their iconic pandas may return to the U.S. soon. The zoo’s current female panda, Mei Xiang, may well be pregnant once again and the U.S. is expecting a shipment of male pandas from China in the near future. If these cubs reach breeding age, their cubs could become part of the U.S. population of pandas…it’s a panda-monium!

All things considered, the future looks bright for the giant panda population in the U.S. Pandas may be returning to Washington and San Diego sooner than later, and perhaps even to new homes in Atlanta and beyond. With continued success in breeding and conservation programs, the United States could once again be a thriving environment for these amazing creatures.